My mother always said that your clothes can be wrinkled, you can have no make-up on, but as long as your hair looks good, you can pull it off! Of course, my mom's hair always looks GREAT, she has a stylist on call, and doesn't have to worry about tropical humidity! I did get her WILD & CURLY locks, thanks mom if you're reading... So, I tried a couple of different things living on the boat. First I tried growing it out. Now, I've had short short SHORT hair for a lot of years, this was no easy task! But I did it! Was able to pull it all back in a pony tail, and off my face. Then I started shedding... I don't know who lost more hair, me or Marrs the Wonder Dog! It started to clog drains and make a mess... So, off it went... Then I decieded it was too much work to keep it looking nice... so I grew it out again... Once again, I have cut it short, and it seems 'fairly' ( term used VERY lightly ) controllable. I have VERY VERY thick, curly hair. The humidity reeks havoc on it... I do use Aveda products that seem to work very well for me. Also cheap 'hair wax'...yes, I said HAIR WAX! I could probably be mistaken for Tina Turner, circa 1992 without it... Or maybe Marge Simpson... No I am not kidding!! Big hair was great in the 80's, not so much now! So, the best advise I can give is to cover it up! Hat, bandanna, silk scarf... Unless you're one of those lucky people with nice STRAIGHT hair! In my next life, I'm going to ask for long legs and straight hair! GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!!
Really, I'm not joking!! |