Saturday, February 11, 2012

Grrr... Work!

Pete in Miami doing payroll....
This is NOT me, but this is what I use to do... 911 Dispatcher

Well, I don't really "work" anymore.  I help Pete out with his company that continues to run in the States, and I help our friends out at their pub as a "Bar Wench" here in the Dominican Republic.  Other than that, I really don't do much to earn money.  I do however work my butt off cleaning and keeping up on everything that needs to be done on the boat.  Wiping saltwater off of everything everyday, laundry, meals, washing up dishes, cleaning dog hair, grocery shopping, getting a tan... oh wait, THAT might not count!  We both work hard in keeping the boat clean, and keeping the business afloat from so far away.  Which Pete has on another blog, if you're interested.  Just remember there's more to life than how much money you make, but your still have to eat, buy fuel, and fix your boat ( A LOT )....

This is what I like to do now!!