Thursday, January 19, 2012


Okay, so a friend of mine made the comment that not all of us eat brown rice and beans!  So, here's a quick and easy recipe for all you meat-eaters!!  Enjoy...

Citrus & Garlic Chicken

4  chicken breast or what ever you have in the freezer
1  cup of wine wine- you can have one glass while making the dish and 1 with dinner...
1/3 cup of juice- lemon, lime, orange, or a mix
10 garlic cloves UNPEELED  ( no chopping YEAH!! )
3 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 Tablespoon of whole pepper corns
Fresh or dried basil- to taste  ( fresh is easy to come by in the DR so I use A LOT )
Salt & pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients in a large pot
Cook ( or simmer ) covered for 45 minutes
Remove lid
Turn to high temp for about 10 minutes to reduce liquid by half

Serve with BROWN RICE, white rice, potatoes, and or a green salad! 

Quick, easy, healthy, and only uses ONE pot!!  Gotta love that!!