Saturday, January 14, 2012

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

My dad asked me one time if I ever got scared... Well, the understatement of the year would be YES!  We made our  first crossing from Florida to the Bahamas, and I was so sick that if the boat would have caught fire, I would not have been able to move.  Having paralyzing sea sickness is not frightening, because you're so sick you can't think straight!!  However I have been afraid, more than once!  One time we were sailing in the Bahamas in route to Rum Cay, when we got caught in a squall.  Picture the scene from Captain Ron... I wasn't quite that dramatic, but it was scary!!  We have a rolling furling main sail, and long story short, a line got caught and I couldn't bring the sail in.  So, what was STUCK out there was pushing onto our rigging ( wires that hold up the mast ) and making them bow out!  The wind, rain, dogs leaning against you, trying to steer, trying to think of what to do... yeah, I was pretty scared!  But all in all, we ripped a small bit of our sail, nothing important!  So, yes, I've been scared, but we have a good boat.  I've learned to trust, love, and respect her...