Saturday, April 28, 2012

My mom & dad

Today my parents have been married for 48 years!  Congratulations to both of them.  They are good, honest, hard working people.  They have lived in the same house since 1971, which is where I still call "home".   Even though I won't be with them to celebrate today, I'll be there in spirit.  How lucky I am to still have them!!  They have taught me to be true to myself and how to love.  Now as they go through the next phase in their lives, being great-grandparents, I wonder how they will again surprise me...  Love you both...

My mom hates having her picture taken!

Having the love of music, one of the best gifts in the world!  Thanks Dad

Monday, April 9, 2012

An old love... FOUND!

Okay, everyone knows I LOVE TO EAT...  I'm not a good cook, so I keep it as simple as possible.  My latest snack is POPCORN!  When I was a kid we ate it every Friday night while watching 'Rockford Files'.  My sister would make it, and she'd put a ton of butter on it!  I've always loved popcorn.  But then microwaves came along, and it just didn't seem to taste the same. The microwave stuff must have been lacking all that Crisco my sis put in the pan!!

So, on the boat, we do it the ol' fashion way!  No Crisco however, but canola or veggie oil.  I've found that you can make it plain & boring, sweet & salty, cheesy, spicy... the possibilities are endless!  So, find some fresh Parmesan cheese, or Tabasco and give your taste buds a treat!

Even goes with wine....

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Spring Cleaning!

Now, or very soon, it will be time for SPRING CLEANING!  On our boat, there are 'pink' jobs and 'blue' jobs.  PINK is for girls and BLUE is for boys. 


Clean out cupboards:  Check expiration dates on canned goods.
                                    Kill any weird bugs that may have found their way onto your yacht.
Clean galley and head sink drains:  A combo of baking soda & vinegar, let soak about 20-30 minutes, then pour hot water down the drain.

Check fire extinguisher gages and dates.  Replace or refill as needed.

Change batteries on smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

Wash pillows and blankets.  Store heavier blankets and quilts.  Space Bags work great for this!

Go through medications and various first aid items.  Throw away expired stuff, restock what you need.

Check and clean canvas.  Repair any rips, busted zippers, or snaps.

Wipe down the interior with whatever you like the smell of.   My mother would use bleach!

"Radio check" on the VHF.

Scrub with mold killer inside cabinets and closets.

Repack ditch bag.

Vacuum mattress.


(  this will be MUCH longer and A LOT more work! )

Engine, engine, engine... Give it love, support, and read poetry to her...

Check the water maker, do a test.

Make sure the hot water tank still works.

Clean sails.  Repair any tears, check for wear.

Check and test ALL batteries.

Make sure the air conditioning is in good working order.  This will make your wife happy!!

Change potable water filters.

Fix what ever has broken in the past 6 months.

Put two or three coats of varnish on.

Check and fill propane tanks. 

Clean the bottom.  Or hire someone to clean the bottom!

Check rigging; standing and running; fix or have an inspection.

Check steering cables for wear.
Double check the date on your life raft.

Okay, I'm sure there's at least 45 things I've missed, but this is a good start!  Good luck!  A clean boat is a happy boat!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012


Not your typical Seattle home....

A beautiful day on the north coast...

When you live ANYWHERE, including a boat, it's home, right?  Well, yes and no.  Yes, Marionette is our home.  Our stuff is here, we eat here, shower here, have clothes in the closets... But for me, home is Seattle.  My daughter is there, her husband, Lil Bean in the oven, my mom & dad, my son, my mother-in-law... I'm starting to miss my family.  Which I'm guessing it fairly normal.  Whatever "normal" is!  I like the Dominican Republic for many reasons, but mostly for the green landscape here.  It's not Seattle, but for now, it's home... Doesn't look all THAT bad, does it???

Low cost hotel on the beach....

I LOVE the green!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I'm going to be a grandma!

Marrs loves little babies....

Yes, you read that right!  I'm going to be a grandma!  I'm so excited I can hardly stand it.  But with this wonderful news also comes some sadness.  We will have to put the boat up and go home to Seattle.  When you live on a boat, it becomes part of you.  The boat comes before anything else.  She must be taken care of.  We've owned serveral houses over the years, but a boat is different.  She is special.  But once the new year comes around, we'll be back at it!  Maybe Panama...

Monday, March 19, 2012


Part of life living in the tropics are BUGS!  UGH!  Especially mosquitoes. So, here's a few things that might help...

( An e-mail I received from my dad... )

How to Kill Mosquitoes

You may be aware of this, How to Kill Mosquitos - NOT A JOKE

I was at a deck party awhile back, and the bugs were having a ball biting everyone. A man at the party sprayed the lawn and deck floor with Listerine, and the little demons disappeared.. The next year I filled a 4-ounce spray bottle and used it around my seat whenever I saw mosquitoes. And voila! That worked as well.. It worked at a picnic where we sprayed the area around the food table, the children's swing area, and the standing water nearby.

Now, if you're like me, you didn't get this information until it was too late!  In that case, here's some more ideas...

Soak the bite with vinegar.  Doesn't smell great, but it will stop itching, which can turn into an infection.

Rub the bite with Vick's Vapor Rub, your sheets will be a mess if you climb into bed after, but relief is relief!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Fruit Smoothie...

This is my own recipe... You can change it up, add a little more here, or a little less there... This will require refrigeration and power...

1 cup of plain yogurt OR 1 cup of soy milk
1 cup of cranberry juice OR whatever else you have around 
2 cups of frozen fruit
2 cups of ice
1 tablespoon of cinnamon ( opt )
1 cup of  cold water

Throw everything into the blender and MIX!
Makes 4 servings

HELPFUL HINTS: Buy fresh fruit and freeze.  Cut up pineapple in chunks, peel bananas and break in half, wash and cut strawberries,  peel a mango and slice.  Place in plastic bags and freeze.  Use as needed!  Mix and match!

Simple foods and most things are easy to find, even off the beaten path!

You can also add some RUM to this for a Sundowner Party...



Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You might be a cruiser if...

There is a growing number of us who live FULL time on our boats.  Some are on power boats, sailboats, trawlers, and mega yachts.  If you've read this blog before, you know we're on a sailboat... So, I was waiting for my laundry yesterday, and I saw this VERY clean couple walk by.  And I thought to myself, "...there is no way in hell they are full time on their boat... their clothes have no stains!".  Then I thought that there must be signs to tell if someone if a FULL TIME live aboard...  

This is what I came up with...

First things first... your clothes have some sort of STAIN on them.  These clothes have been treated with every possible trick under the sun, and yet there are still spots of rust, grease stains, or just a general tear.

You place almost everything you own in a plastic bag.  Space bags, and air tight tubs become a part of life.  And it makes you happy.

You're not sure what day of the week it is... Seriously, it's unbelievable how you lose track of the days!

If someone asks for your address, you honestly cannot give them an answer.  OR you give them your parents address since have lived in the same house since 1971 and aren't moving anytime soon.

Going to West Marine is like Disneyland.

Getting new line is better than Christmas!

The majority of storage is for spare parts and tools.

You sit down with a total stranger in a restaurant and start chatting.  Especially if their clothes have STAINS on them!!

You're cold when it's 75 outside, and frantically looking for something that has long sleeves!

So, I hope you all got a good laugh at this... However funny, it's the truth!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Feng Shui

The first house we ever lived in, I had a "Feng Shui" expert come in and  do a walk through our house.  She gave me advise as to where to move furniture, paint colors, prisms placements, getting rid of dried flowers... It was very interesting and peaceful once I had made the changes she suggested.  Feng Shui, in English means "wind-water".  So, the other day I thought that maybe Marionette needed some 'balancing'.  I started searching for ideas to "Feng Shui Your Boat".  I didn't have much success!  But I did learn a few more things.  Keep things clean, organized, and NO clutter allowed!  A healthy pet is good chi ( energy ) for any place you live.  Have one red something.  Mine is a tassel from China that was a gift from my brother-in-law.  I also have several prisms.  Don't forget that your prisms should not have any cracks or chips in them. 

Here's a few tips!

Keep the kitchen well stocked with food. When we have our cupboards filled with food, we feel more abundant.

Keep brooms and mops out of sight; preferably upside down. This keeps intruders out and prevent from the family's livelihood from being swept away.

Clean out your closets and drawers. Give away, sell or throw away anything that you not longer use or no longer like.

Playing calming music like ocean waves, forest sounds or rain falling to soothe a stressful working or home environment.

Add mirrors to increase the size of a small room. You will create a feeling of more space and also endless opportunities. Remember to NOT face one while you're sleeping!

Always open your bedroom windows at least once 20 minutes a day to allow fresh chi to come in, we do this so that it allows fresh new chi from outside to come into your bedroom, if not you will be sleeping with stale chi every night. And if that happens, then how can you expect your life to bring in more good fortune to come to you? So open that window and never mind if dusts comes in! The great good fortune that you can have will far exceeds the time you take to clean off the dust. 

Now, I'm sure some of you are getting a good laugh, or an eye roll, but Feng Shui can be fun, and really, who's it going to hurt?

How great would it be to FEEL as good as this looks?

Friday, March 2, 2012


 I'm not a big jewelry person. But I have to say after spending some time here in the Dominican Republic, I've come to appreciate the beauty of larimar. It's only found here the Dominican Republic, which makes one more reason why this place is so special. I've seen it mostly made into fine pieces of jewelry. And no two pieces are the same! The colors vary from white, light blue, blue-green, and a deep blue. If you get lucky enough to take a trip here, check out some of the local markets for some great items to bring home as a gift or a treat for yourself. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I've never been one of those girls that were "into shoes".  Now, Levi jeans is another story, perhaps for another day!  Most of the time we don't wear any shoes at all.  Barefoot is fine while you're just chilling.  However, when you're out sailing you really should have some protection for your feet.  Our boat, "Marionette" has all sorts of things for someone to stub their toes on, slip, or trip over!  What I like are my "Sperry" boat shoes and my slip-on, no lace Sketchers.  Good boat shoes are really a must.  Go for the darker colors, they show less dirt and scuff marks.  The Sketchers can be thrown in the wash, so I have a pair of white ones.  Besides white can be worn after Labor Day in the tropics!  I do have a pair or two of flip-flops.  They're cheap, easy to wash off, and quick to dry.  But they are NOT your friend.  I can't tell you how many times I've slipped, tripped, and nearly fallen  flat on my butt or face!  Protect your feet and face, and buy some 'good' shoes!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Happy Birthday Brett!!

Brett's first birthday!!
His all time favorite... MEXICAN food
Horseback riding lessons

Wanting to take a moment and wish my son a very happy 22nd birthday!  If you were here Brett, I'd buy you a bottle of rum!!  There was a time that I thought you'd never grow up... only because I thought of killing you!!  LOL!  I hope you have a great day my special son!  I love you so much!!

Brett and I hiking in Costa Rica
He got his mom's hair
First Easter

Brett hiking at Yellowstone Nat'l Park

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rice 'n Beans...

This comes from my dear friend Linda on S/V Troubadour... I hope she doesn't mind that I posted this!  It's so yummy, I must share it!


1 tin of beans ( black or red ) 15 oz size
2 cups of water
1 ( or two ) bouillon cubes ( chicken or vegetable flavor )
1/8 teaspoon smoked paprika
1/2 teaspoon chili powder ( I use a bit more because I like it spicy )
1 teaspoon cumin
1 small onion ( diced )
3 cloves of garlic ( peeled and chopped ) I like garlic, you can add less if you want
1 cup of white rice ( uncooked )
2 Tablespoons olive oil

Drain and rise beans
Mix water and spices in a bowl
Saute' onions and garlic with olive oil
add rice to garlic and onion mix stir about 3 minutes
( I use a sauce pan to saute' the onions & garlic so I can add the rest of the ingredience, then only using ONE pan!! )

Add water & spice mix with rice and bring to a boil
Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes ( no peeking! )
Stir in beans and serve hot

This is a  typical Caribbean side dish.  You can add just about anything to it!  More veggies, such as steamed carrots or corn.  Mix with cooked chicken or sausage if you so desire.  Or use as a MAIN DISH!  It's pretty simple and clean up isn't too bad...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Off to the beach...

Marrs checking to see if anyone will notice if he jumps in!
Near Johnny Depps' private island, Staniel Cay
Costa Rica

Spanish Wells
When I lived in Seattle, going to the beach was about a twice a year event. And that's it! If you've never been to Seattle, the summer months last about 3 days! So, when we first hit the Caribbean, I was in SHOCK! Sunshine, WARM water, white sand... absolutely breathtaking! I try not to miss one day without heading to the beach. It's never far away, no matter where we are! But along with those beautiful beaches, comes some serious FRIGHTENING WEATHER! And here I thought Seattle was bad!

Hurricane Irene from the North Coast of the Dominican Republic 2011

Saturday, February 18, 2012


My mother always said that your clothes can be wrinkled, you can have no make-up on, but as long as your hair looks good, you can pull it off!  Of course, my mom's hair always looks GREAT, she has a stylist on call, and doesn't have to worry about tropical humidity!  I did get her WILD & CURLY locks, thanks mom if you're reading... So, I tried a couple of different things living on the boat.  First I tried growing it out.  Now, I've had short short SHORT hair for a lot of years, this was no easy task!  But I did it!  Was able to pull it all back in a pony tail, and off my face.  Then I started shedding... I don't know who lost more hair, me or Marrs the Wonder Dog!  It started to clog drains and make a mess... So, off it went... Then I decieded it was too much work to keep it looking nice... so I grew it out again...  Once again, I have cut it short, and it seems 'fairly' ( term used VERY lightly ) controllable.  I have VERY VERY thick, curly hair.  The humidity reeks havoc on it... I do use Aveda products that seem to work very well for me.  Also cheap 'hair wax'...yes, I said HAIR WAX!  I could probably be mistaken for Tina Turner, circa 1992 without it... Or maybe Marge Simpson... No I am not kidding!!  Big hair was great in the 80's, not so much now!  So, the best advise I can give is to cover it up!  Hat, bandanna, silk scarf... Unless you're one of those lucky people with nice STRAIGHT hair!  In my next life, I'm going to ask for long legs and straight hair!  GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!!

Really, I'm not joking!!