Monday, April 9, 2012

An old love... FOUND!

Okay, everyone knows I LOVE TO EAT...  I'm not a good cook, so I keep it as simple as possible.  My latest snack is POPCORN!  When I was a kid we ate it every Friday night while watching 'Rockford Files'.  My sister would make it, and she'd put a ton of butter on it!  I've always loved popcorn.  But then microwaves came along, and it just didn't seem to taste the same. The microwave stuff must have been lacking all that Crisco my sis put in the pan!!

So, on the boat, we do it the ol' fashion way!  No Crisco however, but canola or veggie oil.  I've found that you can make it plain & boring, sweet & salty, cheesy, spicy... the possibilities are endless!  So, find some fresh Parmesan cheese, or Tabasco and give your taste buds a treat!

Even goes with wine....