Thursday, December 22, 2011


No matter where I live; land, sea, or rv, I'm always trying to lose those last 10 pounds!!  Maybe it's a girl thing, I'm not sure.  I do feel it's important to be fit and strong where ever you live.  However, living on a boat offers some challenges.  There's no gym to take off to, strange trails and roads you're not familiar with, bad weather, tons of excuses!!  I'm a huge yoga fan.  ANYONE can do it, and reap the benefits from it.  But one does have to get creative when you're in such a small space.  Buy a dvd on doing yoga and see if it's for you.  The other day I was on-line and found a workout that I think will be PERFECT for me!

Now this may not be the workout for you, but find something YOU like and won't get too bored with.  Take care of your body, and your body will take care of you!!  Be sure to check with your doctor before starting ANY exercise routine!!  If you're in the tropics like us, be sure to drink plenty of water.  Example, if you weigh 100 pounds, you should drink 50 oz of water daily.  We also have another advantage, Marrs the Wonder Dog!  He NEEDS to be walked AT LEAST 2 miles a day.  He'll go up to about 5, after that he poops out!!  So, there it is folks.  Stay fit, eat right, drink lots of water and enjoy the sea life!!