Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Doing laundry...
The old dreaded job... LAUNDRY! I use to complain about it when we had a house, and now, well, now I REALLY have something to complain about!! One of the many good things about living in the tropics, is that you don't wear a lot clothes. Bathing suits, thin t-shirts, shorts, flip-flops... summer attire all the time!! But things begin to, hmmm how can I say this nicely... STINK in no time at all! So, here comes the chore! Since we're currently at a slip in a marina, I drag the STINKY clothes down once a week and wash them. I usually do 1 load of whites, with bleach, and another load of whatever. And then a good HOT dryer! It's important to make sure your things are nice and dry, otherwise they well turn to mold in no time!! A load of laundry here at Ocean World Marina is $3.00 ( US dollars ) each wash and each dry. Now, if you don't want to spend the money and the afternoon at the laundry mat, then you have a couple of other options... I do have a WonderWasher, and it works very well. The trick is getting all the water out of clothes. It's small and takes up hardly any space. I would still rather have a plug in washer & dryer, but for now, it's fine! The sink or a bucket can also do the duty. If you're underway, the WonderWasher keeps every thing contained! So, you don't have to worry about water all over the floor. But when it comes right down to it; it's still laundry, and no one likes to do it EVER!!