What can I say?? I'm from Seattle! You must LOVE coffee if you live within 500 miles of downtown Seattle... It's just how it rolls there... I've had tons of peeps ask me about what kind of coffee we drink... Silly? Yea, probably... We even had a "Coffee-Off" with Capt'n Jay from Windancer!! He swore that a PERK was the only way to go ( on the stove perk, like camping ), my thought was a "French Press". He, Jay, being a coffee man, started first... however in the end, he said that the only reason MY coffee tasted better was because it was "high end" coffee... I think living on a boat, a stainless steel french press is the way to go. If you buy plastic or glass, your husband is sure to break them... sorry Pete! I still love my 15 cup perk that my mother gave me YEARS ago for a Christmas gift, and it's currently traveling with us! But it uses a bit too much power when we're out on the hook... So, in my opinion 'Thee French Press' ROCKS!! Add a bit of Bailey's for special occasions, and it's even better! Cheers...
Oh, and yes, we stock up on Starbucks when we're in Seattle to cart back with us... where ever we are!!